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Get Smart!

Design Thinking - 2023

Get Smart is an innovative card game that aims to curb the stigma against sex education, especially among teenagers by making the necessary knowledge transaction fun!

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Coaching System of India

A study of an unsustainable system - 2023

Taking a look at how the system of coaching is transforming traditional schooling methods and leaving behind a larger mess as its legacy.

Magnum - Designing a Typeface

Visualisation, Graphic Design - 2023

Magnum is a bold, display font for use in billboards and webpage headings inspired by 90’s movie posters, graphic novels and our love for funky counters.

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Take Care

User Interface Design - 2024

Take Care is an app for informal caregivers, to help them take care of their families, organise their day to day activities and make their lives just a little bit easier.

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